Acne scars: The Er: YAG laser is used to remove and resurface micron-thin layers of skin so that new skin can form in its place. Unlike chemical peels and dermabrasion, laser resurfacing allows more precise control.

Acne Scar Revision Laser Treatment

Laser treatment of Acne Scars is based on the precise and gentle skin resurfacing procedure where the Er: YAG laser is absorbed by the top micro-layers of the skin to vaporize scarred skin and stimulate the production of new collagen in the dermis. Best clinical results are obtained by employing two complementary wavelengths of near-infrared lasers (Er: YAG and Nd: YAG – TwinLight Tx).

Acne scars: The Er: YAG laser is used to remove and resurface micron-thin layers of skin so that new skin can form in its place. Unlike chemical peels and dermabrasion, laser resurfacing allows more precise control. The laser gently vaporizes the acne-scarred surface of the skin so that undamaged skin below is revealed.