Nonsurgical and noninvasive vaginal and incontinence rejuvenation is a popular option to help women address concerns that happen with the aging process or following childbirth. Nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation won’t change the appearance of a woman’s body, but it can have a huge impact on your overall quality of life.
Women go through hormonal changes, aging, and childbearing and they experience changes in their genitalia. Changes impact a woman’s quality of life that includes vaginal laxity, stress urinary incontinence, loss of vaginal lubrication, decease in erotic sensations, and loss of tone of the labia majora.
It used to be taboo or embarrassing to talk about vaginal and incontinence issues, but now there are several treatments available. Devices that use radiofrequency or laser energy induce collagen tightening, and other treatments can be used to stimulate collagen rejuvenation further.
Pesky Incontinence
Have you ever experienced an unexpected leak when laughing, sneezing, or coughing? This leakage is stress incontinence and is caused when the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder and the urethra become weakened. Muscle weakness is due to pregnancy, menopause, or aging. A weak sphincter around the urethra also causes incontinence. Controlling bladder leakage can be difficult or even impossible to handle, not to mention the embarrassment it causes. You don’t have to just “deal” with it.
Vaginal Laxity and Lubrication
Pregnancy and vaginal deliveries lead to trauma and stretching of the pelvic floor, and this results in loss of vaginal tightness. Vaginal laxity often occurs when you have more than one child, have a large baby, or undergo a forceps delivery.
Vaginal laxity symptoms include loss of sensation with intercourse and decreased sexual satisfaction. Vaginal laxity can lead to negative impacts of body image, sexual function, and quality of life. The condition is not often recognized and very under-reported.
Women lose vaginal lubrication due to hormonal changes, the use of birth control medications, menopause, and even radiation treatments for cancer.
One of the newest advances is the Fontana laser, which is an excellent and minimally invasive option for several gynecological conditions. Using a laser for incontinence and vaginal rejuvenation issues is gentle and safe. It does not have the same risks and complications as surgery. Problems with incontinence and dryness can be treated in as little as 20-30 minutes by using laser energy.
Laser treatments can precisely treat the targeted area, and the laser energy heats the vaginal tissues. When treating incontinence issues, the vaginal laser piece of the Fontana laser is inserted into the vagina to reach the target area. It stimulates the production of collagen in the urethra and the vaginal wall. Laser treatments do not involve incisions or sutures. Often patients are in and out of the clinic quickly and can immediately resume normal day-to-day activities. In many cases, depending on the condition, only one or two treatments are necessary.
You need to research RF or radiofrequency energy, a non-surgical treatment that stimulates collagen fibril contractions and tissue tightening. RF devices use polarity to pass energy through tissues. Cooling mechanisms are often used to avoid any epidermal injury.
Surgical procedures for vaginal rejuvenation include labiaplasty, which is an outpatient procure using general anesthesia. Small incisions are made in your labia major and labia minor. Excessive tissues are removed, and the remaining tissue is tightened and shaped. This procedure is used to restore symmetry and incisions are closed with sutures. If you have surgical procedures, you will often be down for at least one week. There may also be the possibility of bleeding or infection, itching, and pain.
Who is a Good Candidate for Vagina Rejuvenation and Incontinence Treatments?
If you have noticed that the vaginal canal feels looser than before, sexual intercourse is less enjoyable, and you feel burning or itching sensations, you may be a good candidate for vaginal rejuvenation, and laser treatments.
Meet with an experienced practitioner, Dr. Trupti Patel, at SkinVolution Laser & Vein Center in Glendale, AZ, for a consultation about whether or not Fontana laser treatment would be best for your vaginal rejuvenation and incontinence treatments. Dr. Patel is always at the forefront of the latest practices in laser technology for your wellbeing and quality of life.